- movements instead with feet the hands
- with movement creating a material/fabric
- co-creation with women from different backgrounds
- sharing knowledge
- The felt workshops represented a meeting point and a safe space for women in the centre, for all ages and languages, with or without papers.

- Brussels based open Art House for immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers
- main focus:
Participative projects
Art & Culture for everybody

"By experimenting with this material, felt, Miletić and Globe Aroma want to revalue gendered cultural practices. It is an opportunity to experience how collective feelings can be formed through collaborative practices. Between stories and technique, feeling and thinking, you will co-create a series of new works."
Extract out of Book "Het Wilde Ding"-Hilde Bouchez. 

Hilde visits a place in Kirgistan, where they are making traditional felt plaits, traditionally done with kids stamping on the rolls, that are being felted. 
Can we occupy the street– how can we occupy the street?`

Do you need to move to the street from the first minute?

Can the audience be a part of it, how?

Can a walking track be a political statement, and not only something that gives a sensation?

Can it help interaction between people, can it be a social tool?