Hilde Bouchez
- Het Wilde Ding
Joseph Grima

" Wild Objects have a sort of inner light. We feel these objects differently. "

" I was intrigued by the silence of the wild animal when encounterd in the wild. "

" How are traditional cultures moving from invisible to visible. The invisible light of an object are sort of a myth."

"Designers, Artists, Poet nowaday are the new shamans. [...] A shaman helps you to move from one space of consciousnes to another space of consciousnes"

" As a designer you are going to be a maker of waste. So we have to look at new approaches towards our material culture! "

" When you do this sort of rituals, very often the shaman is using certain objects, and these objects are often vessels that bring you from one consciousness to another consciousness, from one sort of reality to another sort of reality.[..]when you return from this other consciousness you forget what you have seen. So these objects are symbols of what you have seen in these other objects"

"When designers also nowadays when designers create new objects for the home, it is a good idea to look at these vessels from rituals. Often the objects that designers create, create more need than that they actually give answers."

" How to make objects that have animistic elements, that kind of have a soul. How a teacup can be a living thing..."

"Imagine designers would think in a a way of experience. So we would love these objects and hold on to them. Like when you read a poem, you can relate to something, you feel a certain emotion. More ephemeral emotions than the commercial emotions."

" Design in Belgium is still seen as a screeming snobish object. But it can actually be much more meaningful and can bring change to society. "

"circular economy in a very spiritual way"

"The intention of making things is very important"

"Another subjective quality is the quality of need. Nowadays often needs are created so the consumer thinks that he needs this one object otherwise he/she thinks he/she cannot be happy. "

" Wild things need different layers of meaning. --> Example of Lucas Maassen express a sort of joy, HUmu Ludens is part of it. Intuitifely making things, the joy of making, it is the subjective quality of the object. There is also a 2nd layer of meaning, which is the questioning of "child-labor".--> so all these different layers of meaning vibrate another energy than purely commercial objects

" Wild objects you cannot judge on form, but it is about the energy and the vibration that speaks through the object, that speaks to the soul and the heart of the consumer. "

- a wild thing is easy to understand if you look at a tame/domestic animal and compare it to the wild animal. The difference is that we feel this animals differently. 

- Hilde is referring to the silence of wild animals, and i have the same experience with a lot of "wild" objects, they are not really screaming for attention but perfectely blending in into their surrounding....--> same with wild animals!

- What do domestic objects add to our consciousnes. Can we see domestic objects as a part of a circular system that are necessary to live and live in a one-ness with nature?

- I do not want to be only a maker of waste. The value of my objects that i make compared to the waste, can I line that up?

- is it possible to compare a kitchentowel or a sponge to a vessel from shamans or traditional cultures? 

- maybe also look at teacups from that time and compare them with other teacups. Because the teatowels were invented because of the teacups from that time, that were super thin porcelin. 

- how to make a tea towel a living thing?

- the shaman was also the craftsperson who made the objects --> like tea cup in a tea ceremony

- Ettore Sottsoss --> made homes but also picuters. --> check out talk on youtube (see bellow)

- go to your inner sanctury, dont make only things with the mind of an engenieer or a salesman.

- what is ephemeral?

-  what is my intention? (what is intention?)

- bring together the producer and the consumer.

- what can a teatowel make you remember? or a sponge? --> which ceremonies can be linked to them? 

- Design for the real world -->designers can be there to be in service! (check book) Yanagi --> craftsman is in service for those who use the objects.

- Joy of making is a subjective Quality

- Wilde Dingen have a same thing like Ekhart Tolle talks about, when talking about consiousness, which is formless.


" What do we actually mean by home?"

" THE HOME DOES NOT EXIST" --> interieur beinalle kortijk, slogan, designed by Space Caviar

"giving up control over the intimate space that i call my home --> choosen background of zoom"

" everything is kind of under control with ZOOM, because nobody can look around, it is a fixed image"

"The idea of a home as a space that has a similar on an individual level or the it opperates on similar boundaries. Isolation of sound and light = frequencies. "

" The boundary of interior and exterior is not so simple but rather complicated. "

"looking at notions what homes mean for us. Carries the most stereotypes.We have all this cliches about what a home is. Therefor it is difficult to look at how homes are changing over time. "

"Looking at the home as a space kind of like a computer, different forms of matter and data that are continuely coming and going. "

" 1960 there was kind of a more utelitarian functional look at home questioning the one of the great dogmas of architecture.Looking at existence minimum from a home. All that then is left is the services, the technolgies, that is made to control the enviroment. "

" Sqm could be considered as a currency..." Because if you look at the market and how prices changed from 1975 -2014 it is incredibly how much the prices raise, and how a home became more of a value than a place that rescues you from rain and cold"


- Is an architect, editior, curator, researcher, based

- space caviar: architect and research practice

- SQM : The Quantified Home --> data driven research. --> looking at notions what homes mean for us. Carries the most stereotypes.We have all this cliches about what a home is. 

- also difficult to look at kitchen textiles without being kind of political, or cliché or whatever. This admiration of tea towels has something very cliche and also smt with this aspect!!
Look at all the causes that led to the teatowel!!

- Clean water supply was a revelotiunary thing in homes. Flush toilets, gassprings, gasfired kitchen stoves, telephones
